Amazon SQS : Use Cases

Geetansh Sharma
9 min readMar 1, 2021


What is Amazon SQS?

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a fully managed message queuing service that enables you to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and server less applications. SQS eliminates the complexity and overhead associated with managing and operating message oriented middleware, and empowers developers to focus on differentiating work. Using SQS, you can send, store, and receive messages between software components at any volume, without losing messages or requiring other services to be available. Get started with SQS in minutes using the AWS console, Command Line Interface or SDK of your choice, and three simple commands.

Features of Amazon SQS

1. Queue Types

Amazon SQS offers two queue types for different application requirements:

Standard Queues

Unlimited Throughput: Standard queues support a nearly unlimited number of transactions per second (TPS) per API action.

At-Least-Once Delivery: A message is delivered at least once, but occasionally more than one copy of a message is delivered.

Best-Effort Ordering: Occasionally, messages might be delivered in an order different from which they were sent.

You can use standard message queues in many scenarios, as long as your application can process messages that arrive more than once and out of order, for example:

- Decouple live user requests from intensive background work: Let users upload media while resizing or encoding it.

- Allocate tasks to multiple worker nodes: Process a high number of credit card validation requests.

- Batch messages for future processing: Schedule multiple entries to be added to a database.

FIFO Queues

High Throughput: By default, FIFO queues support up to 300 messages per second (300 send, receive, or delete operations per second). When you batch 10 messages per operation (maximum), FIFO queues can support up to 3,000 messages per second. If you require higher throughput, you can enable high throughput mode for FIFO (offered as a Preview in select regions) on the Amazon SQS console, which will support up to 30,000 messages per second with batching, or up to 3,000 messages per second without batching.

Exactly-Once Processing: A message is delivered once and remains available until a consumer processes and deletes it. Duplicates aren’t introduced into the queue.

First-In-First-Out Delivery: The order in which messages are sent and received is strictly preserved (i.e. First-In-First-Out).

FIFO queues are designed to enhance messaging between applications when the order of operations and events is critical, or where duplicates can’t be tolerated, for example:

- Ensure that user-entered commands are executed in the right order.

- Display the correct product price by sending price modifications in the right order.

- Prevent a student from enrolling in a course before registering for an account.

2. Functions

Unlimited queues and messages: Create unlimited Amazon SQS queues with an unlimited number of message in any region

Payload Size: Message payloads can contain up to 256KB of text in any format. Each 64KB ‘chunk’ of payload is billed as 1 request. For example, a single API call with a 256KB payload will be billed as four requests. To send messages larger than 256KB, you can use the Amazon SQS Extended Client Library for Java, which uses Amazon S3 to store the message payload. A reference to the message payload is sent using SQS.

Batches: Send, receive, or delete messages in batches of up to 10 messages or 256KB. Batches cost the same amount as single messages, meaning SQS can be even more cost effective for customers that use batching.

Long polling: Reduce extraneous polling to minimize cost while receiving new messages as quickly as possible. When your queue is empty, long-poll requests wait up to 20 seconds for the next message to arrive. Long poll requests cost the same amount as regular requests.

Retain messages in queues for up to 14 days.

Send and read messages simultaneously.

Message locking: When a message is received, it becomes “locked” while being processed. This keeps other computers from processing the message simultaneously. If the message processing fails, the lock will expire and the message will be available again.

Queue sharing: Securely share Amazon SQS queues anonymously or with specific AWS accounts. Queue sharing can also be restricted by IP address and time-of-day.

Server-side encryption (SSE): Protect the contents of messages in Amazon SQS queues using keys managed in the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS). SSE encrypts messages as soon as Amazon SQS receives them. The messages are stored in encrypted form and Amazon SQS decrypts messages only when they are sent to an authorized consumer.

Dead Letter Queues (DLQ): Handle messages that have not been successfully processed by a consumer with Dead Letter Queues. When the maximum receive count is exceeded for a message it will be moved to the DLQ associated with the original queue. Set up separate consumer processes for DLQs which can help analyze and understand why messages are getting stuck. DLQs must be of the same type as the source queue (standard or FIFO).

3. SQS usage with other AWS services

Amazon SQS message queuing can be used with other AWS Services such as Redshift, DynamoDB, RDS, EC2, ECS, Lambda, and S3, to make distributed applications more scalable and reliable. Below are some common design patterns:

  • Work Queues: Decouple components of a distributed application that may not all process the same amount of work simultaneously.
  • Buffer and Batch Operations: Add scalability and reliability to your architecture, and smooth out temporary volume spikes without losing messages or increasing latency.
  • Request Offloading: Move slow operations off of interactive request paths by enqueuing the request.
  • Fanout: Combine SQS with Simple Notification Service (SNS) to send identical copies of a message to multiple queues in parallel.
  • Priority: Use separate queues to provide prioritization of work.
  • Scalability: Because message queues decouple your processes, it’s easy to scale up the send or receive rate of messages — simply add another process.
  • Resiliency: When part of your system fails, it doesn’t need to take the entire system down. Message queues decouple components of your system, so if a process that is reading messages from the queue fails, messages can still be added to the queue to be processed when the system recovers.

Limitations of Amazon SQS

A single Amazon SQS message queue can contain an unlimited number of messages. However, there is a 120,000 quota for the number of inflight messages for a standard queue and 20,000 for a FIFO queue.

Use cases of SQS

Developers use SQS to build distributed applications with decoupled components without having to deal with the overhead of creating and maintaining message queues. Many of the top tech companies make use of Amazon SQS, such as:-

  • Pinterest.
  • Amazon.
  • Lyft.
  • Stack.
  • Accenture.
  • Coursera.

Oyster Case Study

New York-based shares unvarnished reviews of hotels in nearly 200 destinations worldwide. The company’s own investigators visit each location to assess cleanliness, amenities, service and overall quality. What sets Oyster apart from similar sites is its extensive collection of photographs. Oyster takes hundreds of photos for each property, and every review includes dozens of untouched images (submitted by guests as well as investigators) that allow potential visitors to compare a hotel’s marketing material with reality.

Challenge Faced

Since its 2009 launch, Oyster has published more than one million high-quality digital images. When this massive volume of images became too cumbersome to handle in-house, the company decided to offload the content to a central repository on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). “We migrated to Amazon S3 in 2010,” says Eytan Seidman, Co-Founder and Vice President of Product. “We chose moving to the cloud and Amazon S3 because storing images in our data center would have been too costly. Amazon S3 was a more economical solution.”

Oyster reprocesses its entire collection of photographic images a few times each year to update the copyright year and, if necessary, to change the watermarks. Using their previous solution, reprocessing the entire collection of photographs required about 800 hours to complete. In addition, Oyster often recreated existing images in new formats and sizes for mobile and tablet devices. Resizing existing images and adding new ones was slowing down the rate at which the company was able to process the collection. “Our processes were slowing down,” says Seidman. “When the iPad with Retina display came out, for example, it took us more than a week to create new sizes specifically for that resolution.” Oyster considered purchasing additional hardware, but found the cost of new hardware and routine maintenance was too high, especially when the machines would sit idle most of the time.

Moreover, there were numerous software bugs in the multiprocessing solution that the company used, but since the solution didn’t scale, Oyster didn’t bother to fix them.

Why Amazon Web Services??

“We were already using Amazon S3 to store the images, so using Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) to process the images was a natural choice,” Seidman says. Chris McBride, a software engineer at Oyster, adds, “We wanted a cloud environment that could be ramped up for the large processing jobs and downsized for the smaller daily jobs.”

While the company is still running one local server, the bulk of the processing work now takes place on the AWS Cloud. Oyster is using a customized Amazon Linux AMI within Amazon EC2. Within this new environment, the company connects to Amazon S3 and Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) using boto, a Python interface to AWS. The images themselves are processed with the ImageMagick software available in the AMI package.

Oyster uses Amazon EC2 instances and Amazon SQS in an integrated workflow to generate the sizes they need for each photo. The team processes a few thousand photos each night, using Amazon EC2 Spot Instances. When Oyster processes the entire collection, it can use up to 100 Amazon EC2 instances. The team uses Amazon SQS to communicate the photos that need to be processed and the status of the jobs.

The Benefits

Oyster’s old system needed approximately 400 hours to process one million photos. By using AWS, the company can process the same number of photos in about 20 hours — a 95 percent improvement. “It took less time to rewrite the code and do a full processing job with AWS than it took to do a single run with the old method,” says Seidman. “It used to take close to a week to produce photos specifically for the iPad. With AWS, we can create the photos in just a few hours. The documentation is straightforward and the dashboards are incredibly helpful.”

Oyster has also been able to reduce in-house hardware expenses by repurposing two of its old servers, which were sitting idle more than 80 percent of the time. “We estimate that we saved roughly $10,000 in capital expenditures by moving to AWS, and reduced our operating expenses by an additional $10,000,” Seidman says. He believes that AWS is a perfect match for any company performing similar batch processing. “AWS lets us move faster without worrying about machine expenditures or maintenance, which frees us to focus on other things.”

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